The top ten failures in my travels
Given community rules, all obscene words have been replaced. Instead of the word “failure”, one should take another, designed to give juiciness to the story. During my passionate 11-year-old active…

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Kuwait - Golden Emirate of the East
Kuwait is the capital of almost the same name in a very small country - Kuwait. There is only one large city here - it is Kuwait. It is based…

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The ten best hotels in the world
For any connoisseur of luxury, a five-star hotel is an important component of his trip. No matter where you go, everywhere you can stay in hotels that literally bathe in…

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minaret itself


Spain is located in southwestern Europe and occupies about 85% of the Iberian Peninsula. Spain also owns the Balearic and Pitius islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Spain borders France, Portugal, Andorra, the English colony of Gibraltar, Morocco: (Ceuta) – the country in the southeast is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, in the west – water of the atlantic ocean. Spain is located at the crossroads of important sea and air routes connecting Europe with the African and American continents. Spain also has a strategic position along the Strait of Gibraltar.

Spain has a Mediterranean climate. The average January temperatures are from 4-5 ° C on the Meset plateau to 12 ° C in the south, July from 23 to 29 ° C, respectively. Precipitation 300-500 mm, in the mountains of St. 1000 mm per year (mainly in winter). Continue reading

USA. Amusement Park Six Flags Over Georgia

I am an adult, held man and therefore I can fall all day in an amusement park. I have a strange attitude towards roller-coaster parks: on the one hand, a clear lack of attention has remained from childhood. Those. Of course, I rode rides, but I didn’t have a classic park that would have huge slides and for the whole day without stopping. On the other hand, I am afraid of heights and I always started to get nauseous when I simply leafed through Six Flags or other similar parks. Well, now it’s time to realize children’s dreams and fight phobias.

Actually, I was not going to any parks. But it so happened that the beloved company decided to hold another corporate event in the amusement park, namely Six Flags Over Georgia. I had to leave the corporate party with my head held up proudly without a ride on any hill – it was on this day that I needed to finish a lot of work. No, not because I was scared, but really had to work. 🙂 But after a couple of weeks I came back to catch up. Continue reading

Winter Baikal – an unforgettable vacation

The idea of ​​a holiday on Lake Baikal is full of stereotypes, the most common of which is that a real active holiday on Lake Baikal can only be in the summer. This is a big mistake, because winter holidays on Lake Baikal can be discussed for hours. Dog sledding, snowmobile safaris, skiing, ice fishing and winter diving … All this gives a feeling of solitude with nature and a full life.

In January, Baikal is finally icebound and freezes. When the most severe frosts occur, and in February and March, the cold changes to many sunny days, the thickness of the ice allows you to ride a snowmobile – you can visit the most inaccessible corners of the lake, get to where you don’t want to go by boat in the summer, and look into the mysterious twilight of the caves. Continue reading

What you need to know about Bali
PR is a great power. Once created, the image sits firmly in the mind. And nothing, that it does not correspond to reality, the advertisement has fulfilled its task. But…


Holidays in the Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands - an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, 972 km west of Ecuador, consisting of 19 large and small islands. A large number of tourists the archipelago attracts with…


Elite holidays in Acapulco
Acapulco is a world famous resort on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Every year it attracts several million tourists. And all this thanks to the rich nightlife, very mild, warm…
