Luxury Cruises in Europe
Those planning a luxury vacation in Europe should pay attention to the Royal Caribbean Cruises cruise line. This company provides vacationers with apartments of the highest level. The provided comfortable…

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Safari in Africa
A safari is an opportunity to watch wild animals in natural conditions. The word "safari" in Swahili means "travel, trip." Previously, “riding a safari” meant hunting, but hunting is now…

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Colombian pearl of the Caribbean
From the very beginning of the development of tourist activities, Cartagena was considered the most popular and popular resort in Colombia. For a sufficiently long period, foreign tourists could not…

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not sunbathe


State in East Africa. It is a former colony of Great Britain, gained independence on December 12, 1963. Included in the Commonwealth of Nations. Today, the country is one of the fastest growing countries in East Africa.

Area 580 367 km². The largest city of Mombasa

Kenya is a multinational country with more than 40 different nations. Here the borders of the largest ethnic and linguistic groups in Africa are intertwined: Bantu, Nilots and Cushits. 2/3 of the population are the peoples of the Niger-Congo group (Kikuyu, Luha, Kamba, Kissia, etc.), 1/3 are the peoples of the Shar-Nile group (Luo, Kalendzhin, etc.), the peoples of the Cushite group also live, Ch. arr. Somalia. Indians, Europeans, Arabs also live. The urban population is 28%. The population density is 54.3 people / km2. Continue reading

Luxury Cruises in Europe
Those planning a luxury vacation in Europe should pay attention to the Royal Caribbean Cruises cruise line. This company provides vacationers with apartments of the highest level. The provided comfortable…


Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and the nearby islands of Estados. The length of…


Winter Baikal - an unforgettable vacation
The idea of ​​a holiday on Lake Baikal is full of stereotypes, the most common of which is that a real active holiday on Lake Baikal can only be in…
