Cancun - one of the best resorts in Mexico
Cancun Resort is located in the Caribbean coastal zone on the small Yucatan Peninsula. It is in the TOP 10 best cities for recreation. The resort area includes a narrow…

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Winter Baikal - an unforgettable vacation
The idea of ​​a holiday on Lake Baikal is full of stereotypes, the most common of which is that a real active holiday on Lake Baikal can only be in…

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Winter Baikal - an unforgettable vacation
The idea of ​​a holiday on Lake Baikal is full of stereotypes, the most common of which is that a real active holiday on Lake Baikal can only be in…

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Ireland, Republic of Ireland – a state in Western Europe that occupies most of the island of Ireland. From the south, west and north, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the east it is separated from about. Great Britain by the St George’s Strait, the Irish Sea and the North Strait. This country has a land border only with Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK. The island of Ireland is washed on all sides by the Atlantic Ocean (the Celtic Sea in the south, the St. George Canal in the southeast and the Irish Sea in the east). The total area of ​​this country is 70,273 square meters. km The highest peak of Ireland is Mount Carantville, whose height reaches 1041 m .. The name of the country comes from Earl. Éire. A diverse landscape – sandy beaches, steep mountains, dense forests, deep lakes and everywhere the distance from the sea to be no more than 110 km .. Continue reading

New Zealand

New Zealand, a country literally at the end of the world, consisting of a pair of large islands (North and South) and a host of small ones. It was discovered by the Dutch traveler Abel Tasman in 1642 and got its name in honor of one of the provinces of the Netherlands, Zealand. Later, another famous navigator, the Englishman James Cook, changed the Dutch name of the archipelago: Nieuw Zeeland to English New Zealand, which became the official name of the country. Total area of ​​the country: 268,800 km2

The climate in New Zealand is largely determined by the proximity of Antarctica (which is why glaciers in the south of the country do not melt even in summer) and the Pacific Ocean, which gently washes the shores of the two main islands of the state. Continue reading

Indonesia. Java. Volcano Bromo

Indonesia is located in the zone of tectonic faults. The process of mountain building has not yet been completed. Therefore, there are so many volcanoes. The formidable forces of nature are in a dormant state, sometimes waking up for a short while. But, while volcanoes do not show dangerous activity, they become a place of pilgrimage for tourists.

Many islands of Indonesia have volcanoes that are a local attraction. We will visit one of them – Bromo. This volcano is so popular that tours on it can be bought not only on the island of Java, but also on the neighboring island of Bali. Independent travelers can try to go this route without a tour, but apart from a bunch of additional organizational problems and severe fatigue, nothing will benefit. Therefore, you can safely take a tour and hit the road. Continue reading

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From Forte dei Marmi to Saint-Tropez in One Day
The serene Tuscan landscapes, despite their splendor, sometimes begin to seem monotonous - at such moments you want to refresh your impressions of Italy a little, for which a short…


New Year in Finland
New Year in Finland New Year in Finland Finland is the birthplace of Santa Claus, so this is where New Year wishes are to be made. Winter holidays in this…


Belokurikha in winter
Those who consider summer to be a “hot” time for spa holidays are not familiar with the winter activities of Altai. Belokurikha in winter is famous for its picturesque countryside…
