Kuwait - Golden Emirate of the East
Kuwait is the capital of almost the same name in a very small country - Kuwait. There is only one large city here - it is Kuwait. It is based…

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Cancun - one of the best resorts in Mexico
Cancun Resort is located in the Caribbean coastal zone on the small Yucatan Peninsula. It is in the TOP 10 best cities for recreation. The resort area includes a narrow…

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Winter Baikal - an unforgettable vacation
The idea of ​​a holiday on Lake Baikal is full of stereotypes, the most common of which is that a real active holiday on Lake Baikal can only be in…

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architectural monuments

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Chile – (Spanish Chile, the official name is the Republic of Chile (Spanish República de Chile [reˈpuβlika ðe ˈʧile])) – a state in southwestern South America, occupying a long narrow strip of land between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes.

In the west it is washed by the Pacific Ocean, in the east it borders with Argentina, in the north with Peru, in the northeast with Bolivia.

Chile has a coastline of 6435 km in length and has exclusive rights to the adjacent sea area called the Chilean Sea, which includes four areas: [territorial waters (120 827 km2), contiguous zone (131 669 km2), exclusive economic zone (3 681 989 km2), and the corresponding continental shelf (161 338 km2). Continue reading


State in East Africa. It is a former colony of Great Britain, gained independence on December 12, 1963. Included in the Commonwealth of Nations. Today, the country is one of the fastest growing countries in East Africa.

Area 580 367 km². The largest city of Mombasa

Kenya is a multinational country with more than 40 different nations. Here the borders of the largest ethnic and linguistic groups in Africa are intertwined: Bantu, Nilots and Cushits. 2/3 of the population are the peoples of the Niger-Congo group (Kikuyu, Luha, Kamba, Kissia, etc.), 1/3 are the peoples of the Shar-Nile group (Luo, Kalendzhin, etc.), the peoples of the Cushite group also live, Ch. arr. Somalia. Indians, Europeans, Arabs also live. The urban population is 28%. The population density is 54.3 people / km2. Continue reading


Italy is a large state in the south of Europe. Here is a huge number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites – historical monuments and works of art are located throughout the country. The country is also famous all over the world for its national cuisine, fashion, sports cars and luxury motorcycles, as well as its beautiful coasts, lakes and mountains with numerous ski resorts. In Italy there are two independent dwarf states: San Marino and the Vatican. Although formally they are not members of the European Union, both countries are part of the Schengen area and the European Monetary Union. Italy is located in the Mediterranean part of Europe and borders with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The boot-shaped peninsula on which it is located is washed by the Ligurian, Sardinian and Tyrrhenian seas in the east, the Sicilian and Ionian seas in the south, and the Adriatic sea in the east. Continue reading

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Pilgrimage history
The going of believers to holy places for worship has been known since ancient times. The centers of pilgrimage in ancient times were the temples of Amun in Egyptian Thebes,…


230 km east of Nicaragua and 750 km northwest of Cartagena (Spanish Cartagena), located on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, there is a small archipelago of San Andres and Providencia…


One of the most interesting, mysterious and at the same time the tiniest places on earth is the Vatican city-state. A dwarf enclave within Rome, associated with Italy. The status…
