Colombian pearl of the Caribbean
From the very beginning of the development of tourist activities, Cartagena was considered the most popular and popular resort in Colombia. For a sufficiently long period, foreign tourists could not…

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A wonderful stay in the heart of Dalmatia
In the very center of Europe, in its southern part, there is the village of Pirovac - this is a stunning coastal village in the heart of Dalmatia (Croatia), which,…

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Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and the nearby islands of Estados. The length of…

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legendary carnival


State in East Africa. It is a former colony of Great Britain, gained independence on December 12, 1963. Included in the Commonwealth of Nations. Today, the country is one of the fastest growing countries in East Africa.

Area 580 367 km². The largest city of Mombasa

Kenya is a multinational country with more than 40 different nations. Here the borders of the largest ethnic and linguistic groups in Africa are intertwined: Bantu, Nilots and Cushits. 2/3 of the population are the peoples of the Niger-Congo group (Kikuyu, Luha, Kamba, Kissia, etc.), 1/3 are the peoples of the Shar-Nile group (Luo, Kalendzhin, etc.), the peoples of the Cushite group also live, Ch. arr. Somalia. Indians, Europeans, Arabs also live. The urban population is 28%. The population density is 54.3 people / km2. Continue reading


Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and the nearby islands of Estados. The length of Argentina from North to South is about 3800 km. and about 1400 km. from west to east. In the south and west, Argentina borders with Chile, in the north – with Bolivia and Paraguay, in the northeast and east – with Brazil and Uruguay. The southeastern border of Argentina is delineated by the Atlantic Ocean, and its border with Chile in the West and Southwest is determined by the Andes. Z zones: mountainous west, and extensive north and east, mainly of flat character, stepped plateaus of Patagonia in the south. The western border runs completely through the Andes. The Patagonian Andes do not exceed 3600 m. In the north, the border with Bolivia and part of the border with Chile passes through the main Andes ridge. Continue reading

The ten best hotels in the world

For any connoisseur of luxury, a five-star hotel is an important component of his trip. No matter where you go, everywhere you can stay in hotels that literally bathe in wealth and create the appropriate atmosphere of relaxation and comfort.

This article provides a list of unique hotels in the world of travelers. As you will see, it is not necessary that the best hotels are considered the most expensive or the most luxurious. The hotel, first of all, should attract a tourist for a trip to a particular place!

10. Kanahura / Kanuhura in the Maldives
If you ever wanted to relax on your desert island, to escape from the bustle, chances are that you were thinking of visiting the Maldives (Maldives). Consisting of coral atolls scattered across the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is a unique country. Continue reading

The official name is the United Mexican States — a state in southern North America bordering the United States in the north, Belize and Guatemala in the southeast, washed in…


Elite holidays in Acapulco
Acapulco is a world famous resort on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Every year it attracts several million tourists. And all this thanks to the rich nightlife, very mild, warm…


Peru is a distant South American country with a rich history, unique architecture and extraordinary natural diversity. She is the owner of one of the new seven wonders of the…
