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Resorts of Cambodia

Until the middle of the last century, Cambodia was a French colony. The legacy from those times was the resorts of the French elite and villas in the south of the country. Since then, Cambodia has changed its power several times, villas and mansions were destroyed by the Khmer Rouge, but natural sea resorts with a mild climate remained.

Bright representatives of such resorts are Sihanoukville and Kep. But in Sihanoukville there are always a lot of tourists and you can’t expect a relaxing holiday. For this, Kep is better suited. A small seaside town, more like a village. A large number of hotels does not create problems with accommodation.

There are several reasons to choose Kep. Firstly, clean sea air and plenty of greenery. The lack of noisy fuss and a calm measured life. Secondly, Kep is surrounded by plantations of the famous Kep pepper. You can take excursions to see how this magnificent spice is grown. And finally, the cep blue crabs. Whatever country of Southeast Asia you visit, whatever crabs you try, but you will not find worthy competition for cap crabs. We can say that one of the main industries of the local population is fishing for these crustaceans. In honor of their “breadwinners,” the inhabitants of Kep erected a large monument to the blue crab on the shore.

Resorts of Cambodia

At first glance, it might seem boring here. There is no beach holiday as such. Pronounced ebbs and flows. Rocky-sandy bottom of an incomprehensible dirty dark color, shallow depth. But after low tide it is interesting to walk along the exposed bottom. The sea constantly brings ashore something interesting. Multi-colored shells, spherical skeletons of sea urchins. Maybe someone is lucky to find something from the Khmer antiquities. But this is unlikely. On a hot sunny day, it is pleasant to walk along the shady promenade, enveloping a small hill, and connecting the crab market with the city beach. The vitality of the local trees can only be surprised. By some miracle, they cling to each pebble with their roots, completely horizontally hanging over the sea waves splashing along the steep coast. Spreading crowns hide the embankment from hot sunlight, and the light sea breeze brings a pleasant coolness.

Resorts of Cambodia

It is difficult to expect something outstanding in such a small town. But this is just a seaside resort with healing air and silence for a relaxing holiday. An ideal place to relax from everyday fuss. Sooner or later, each person needs time to rethink life, to determine new life priorities, to be alone with himself. Take a break from worldly fuss and think about the Eternal. Walking through pepper plantations, more like a park, or a trip to nearby islands, will allow you to tune in to the appropriate wave. To travel around Kepsky surroundings, you can use the services of a tuk-tuk, a local variety of taxis, or rent a motorbike. Basically, the roads are pretty decent and there is no busy traffic.

A trip to a neighboring town, with the funny name of Kampot, can be quite an interesting excursion. It is worth paying attention to local sculptures and monuments. They do not claim strict portrait resemblance. Maybe a little naive and not all proportions are perfectly sustained, but the big soul of the Khmer people is invested in them. And in the central square of Kampot there is a monument to durian. This exotic fruit is very popular in all countries of SEA.

Resorts of Cambodia

And, of course, do not forget about seafood. In the morning, brisk trade boils in the crab market. As necessary, live crabs in crab traps are washed ashore. Here you can not only choose the copies you like, but also cook, however, for a fee. All the fame of Kep is combined in one single dish – cep crabs with cep pepper sauce. The best chefs in the world call this spice the King of Peppers.

Each human condition needs its own rest. If beaches and noisy parties are, rather, relaxation for the body, then the time spent in Kep is relaxation for the soul. Unfortunately, its significance is often underestimated, but once worth a try.

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