Winter Baikal - an unforgettable vacation
The idea of ​​a holiday on Lake Baikal is full of stereotypes, the most common of which is that a real active holiday on Lake Baikal can only be in…

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History of Travel and Tourism
2000 years before Christ, in India and Mesopotamia Trade travels have existed since the beginning of civilization. At that time, the port of Lothal was an important center of trade…

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Indonesia. Java. Volcano Bromo
Indonesia is located in the zone of tectonic faults. The process of mountain building has not yet been completed. Therefore, there are so many volcanoes. The formidable forces of nature…

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beautiful beaches

Indonesia. Java. Volcano Bromo

Indonesia is located in the zone of tectonic faults. The process of mountain building has not yet been completed. Therefore, there are so many volcanoes. The formidable forces of nature are in a dormant state, sometimes waking up for a short while. But, while volcanoes do not show dangerous activity, they become a place of pilgrimage for tourists.

Many islands of Indonesia have volcanoes that are a local attraction. We will visit one of them – Bromo. This volcano is so popular that tours on it can be bought not only on the island of Java, but also on the neighboring island of Bali. Independent travelers can try to go this route without a tour, but apart from a bunch of additional organizational problems and severe fatigue, nothing will benefit. Therefore, you can safely take a tour and hit the road. Continue reading

The top ten failures in my travels

Given community rules, all obscene words have been replaced. Instead of the word “failure”, one should take another, designed to give juiciness to the story.

During my passionate 11-year-old active love of travel, I got some enchanting setbacks caused by the weather, my stupidity, or my mindless weak asses. I let each of these failures through me, like duodenal sounding of the times of the USSR, if you understand what I mean! This is when at age 14 you sit with a pipe out of your mouth. The diameter of the average anaconda. Tube diameter. Young nurses sympathetically ask for your name. And you smell of freshly squeezed gastric juice.

Empathized on others. He worried, aggressively snorting. He distributed the blame between those who happened to be nearby, the famous falling lamp on the coffee table and the modern device of the world. He became such a subtle kind of himself, cutting people around and every time he acted like a negligent plumber, praying that he would return and fix it again. But I never fixed it. Continue reading

Belokurikha in winter

Those who consider summer to be a “hot” time for spa holidays are not familiar with the winter activities of Altai. Belokurikha in winter is famous for its picturesque countryside and even climate.

If you are interested in seeing the winter from an unexpected angle and giving yourself maximum pleasure, here is the action plan in “Russian Switzerland”.

If you relax with children
Belokurikha in winter: holidays with children

For a family holiday, calm, cozy places are suitable. In the resort area of ​​Belokurikha, several sanatoriums stand out in this part. Continue reading

Elite holidays in Acapulco
Acapulco is a world famous resort on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Every year it attracts several million tourists. And all this thanks to the rich nightlife, very mild, warm…


Cancun - one of the best resorts in Mexico
Cancun Resort is located in the Caribbean coastal zone on the small Yucatan Peninsula. It is in the TOP 10 best cities for recreation. The resort area includes a narrow…


One of the most interesting, mysterious and at the same time the tiniest places on earth is the Vatican city-state. A dwarf enclave within Rome, associated with Italy. The status…
