Colombian pearl of the Caribbean
From the very beginning of the development of tourist activities, Cartagena was considered the most popular and popular resort in Colombia. For a sufficiently long period, foreign tourists could not…

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Traveling with children abroad is often perceived as a risky and very expensive adventure! Parents eagerly stare at the growing child, fantasizing about foreign tours and exotic trips that they…

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Colombian pearl of the Caribbean
From the very beginning of the development of tourist activities, Cartagena was considered the most popular and popular resort in Colombia. For a sufficiently long period, foreign tourists could not…

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Cancun – one of the best resorts in Mexico

Cancun Resort is located in the Caribbean coastal zone on the small Yucatan Peninsula. It is in the TOP 10 best cities for recreation. The resort area includes a narrow strip of coast between the cozy Nichupte lagoon and the warm Caribbean Sea. Diversified shopping centers, clubs and discos, restaurants, hotels and hotels, in general, buildings showing the highest level of resort city infrastructure were built along the entire coast (and this is about 25 kilometers). Cancun is white beaches that seem endless, it is crystal clear water, it is close to many monuments of the civilization of the ancient Mayan settlements.

The city’s airport was built 16 kilometers from the central part of the city and 10 km from the main resort strip with hotels. He constantly receives flights from all over America (Central, North, South), as well as from the counties of Great Britain and some major cities of other European countries.

The climate of the resort is almost independent of the calendar date; it is very mild and marine. The rainiest months are from May to the very end of November, almost until the beginning of the calendar winter. Most precipitation usually falls from mid-August to October, especially in September.

On the beaches there is a flag warning about the safety of being on the coast. If swimming and sunbathing is quite safe, then green flags hang, if there is danger, then the color of the flag changes to red.

The coastline from a height clearly resembles the number “7”, which conditionally divides the resort into two completely unequal parts: long and short. The shortened zone is a quiet paradise with an extremely calm sea. Such peace is due to the separation of the “Island of Women”. The undoubted advantage of this zone is its proximity to the central part of the city and entertainment venues. This part of Cancun resort is usually advised to families with children, because swimming here is very easy due to the practically absent waves.

But the long part is characterized by constant and rather strong waves, freely coming from the ocean. Such conditions will only be suitable for windsurfers. The waters here are amazingly clean, as are the beaches, and the seabed is entirely composed of fine sand.

Buses run in both directions around the clock – every 3 minutes. Very pleasant is the fact that the cost is fixed, independent of distance.

The hotel zone is located on a narrow but very long spit along the coast. It is completely separated by a lagoon. Almost all hotels have a very modest area. Most often they feed guests only breakfast – according to the so-called BB system.

The ruins of Del Rey are almost the only monument in the city. But fans of archeology should not be confused, because everything that remains of the Mayan civilization is located outside the city border. But it’s easy to buy a lot of different tours there.

In the city aquarium, they give an idea of ​​marine inhabitants, there is an opportunity to swim with dolphins. Nearby there is a place where more than one and a half hundred species of birds live – this is the beautiful island of Contoy.

On the beaches there are stations with underwater motorcycles. All comers ride a catamaran to the nearest reef, and already there they dive on a motorcycle to a depth of about 10 meters and enjoy beautiful views and a variety of inhabitants.

For vacationers, this resort has everything: beautiful nature, rich cultural heritage inherited from the Mayan people, a whole strip of hotels, discos, bars, restaurants and other institutions that will make your vacation in Cancun bright and unforgettable!

Cancun – the dream of office plankton from the United States, about the same as for ours – Antalya or Hurghada. A resort with ideal settings in order to become a worthy desktop screen saver for your laptop. And this is true: the beaches are snow-white, the water is turquoise, the palms are emerald, and the girls, without exception, are tanned and in bikini. However, this sandy “seven” frozen in the Caribbean (this is what it looks like from the porthole of Cancun’s squiggle plane) is ready to offer its tourists something more than a banal beach felting. Shopaholics await dozens of first-class shopping centers, fathers of families – fishing for barracuda and marlin, diving with Cozumel’s corals, kiting and surfing, and true ladies – all kinds of procedures in spa centers.

But this is not all: walks through the jungles of the island of Women, swimming with turtles in the Shel-Ha nature reserve, excursions to the ruins of the Mayan civilizations in Shkaret, the best night clubs and restaurants in Mexico, and finally, uninterrupted animation in giant all-inclusive hotels. It is no wonder that all this splendor is so beloved by well-fed gringos from America who imposingly walk around the streets of Cancun with “mirrors” at the ready and a glass of beer in their hands. It’s time to join them!

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