Holidays in the Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands - an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, 972 km west of Ecuador, consisting of 19 large and small islands. A large number of tourists the archipelago attracts with…

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History of Travel and Tourism
2000 years before Christ, in India and Mesopotamia Trade travels have existed since the beginning of civilization. At that time, the port of Lothal was an important center of trade…

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What you need to know about Bali
PR is a great power. Once created, the image sits firmly in the mind. And nothing, that it does not correspond to reality, the advertisement has fulfilled its task. But…

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which became

New Zealand

New Zealand, a country literally at the end of the world, consisting of a pair of large islands (North and South) and a host of small ones. It was discovered by the Dutch traveler Abel Tasman in 1642 and got its name in honor of one of the provinces of the Netherlands, Zealand. Later, another famous navigator, the Englishman James Cook, changed the Dutch name of the archipelago: Nieuw Zeeland to English New Zealand, which became the official name of the country. Total area of ​​the country: 268,800 km2

The climate in New Zealand is largely determined by the proximity of Antarctica (which is why glaciers in the south of the country do not melt even in summer) and the Pacific Ocean, which gently washes the shores of the two main islands of the state. Continue reading

The official name is the United Mexican States — a state in southern North America bordering the United States in the north, Belize and Guatemala in the southeast, washed in…


Ireland - the last frontier of Europe
Today I will talk about Ireland - one of the rarely visited countries in Europe. For a long time it was the last country of the Old World, which I…


Boat trip: 5 islands where volcanoes smoke
Volcano Etna Boat trip on the volcanic islands. The starting point of the trip, we chose the city of Catania, which is located at the foot of Mount Etna. This…
