Venice Carnival
Venice Carnival (Carnevale di Venezia) is an annual festival held in Venice in February. The carnival begins about two weeks before the Ash Wednesday (in the Latin rite of the…

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Colombian pearl of the Caribbean
From the very beginning of the development of tourist activities, Cartagena was considered the most popular and popular resort in Colombia. For a sufficiently long period, foreign tourists could not…

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History of Travel and Tourism
2000 years before Christ, in India and Mesopotamia Trade travels have existed since the beginning of civilization. At that time, the port of Lothal was an important center of trade…

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western coast


Ireland, Republic of Ireland – a state in Western Europe that occupies most of the island of Ireland. From the south, west and north, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the east it is separated from about. Great Britain by the St George’s Strait, the Irish Sea and the North Strait. This country has a land border only with Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK. The island of Ireland is washed on all sides by the Atlantic Ocean (the Celtic Sea in the south, the St. George Canal in the southeast and the Irish Sea in the east). The total area of ​​this country is 70,273 square meters. km The highest peak of Ireland is Mount Carantville, whose height reaches 1041 m .. The name of the country comes from Earl. Éire. A diverse landscape – sandy beaches, steep mountains, dense forests, deep lakes and everywhere the distance from the sea to be no more than 110 km .. Continue reading

What to see in Istanbul: popular attractions
Going to this amazing metropolis, everyone wonders - what to see in Istanbul? In our article we tried to collect the most popular and interesting sights of Istanbul for visiting.…


Boat trip: 5 islands where volcanoes smoke
Volcano Etna Boat trip on the volcanic islands. The starting point of the trip, we chose the city of Catania, which is located at the foot of Mount Etna. This…


230 km east of Nicaragua and 750 km northwest of Cartagena (Spanish Cartagena), located on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, there is a small archipelago of San Andres and Providencia…
