Belokurikha in winter
Those who consider summer to be a “hot” time for spa holidays are not familiar with the winter activities of Altai. Belokurikha in winter is famous for its picturesque countryside…

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What to see in Istanbul: popular attractions
Going to this amazing metropolis, everyone wonders - what to see in Istanbul? In our article we tried to collect the most popular and interesting sights of Istanbul for visiting.…

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Venice Carnival
Venice Carnival (Carnevale di Venezia) is an annual festival held in Venice in February. The carnival begins about two weeks before the Ash Wednesday (in the Latin rite of the…

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Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and the nearby islands of Estados. The length of Argentina from North to South is about 3800 km. and about 1400 km. from west to east. In the south and west, Argentina borders with Chile, in the north – with Bolivia and Paraguay, in the northeast and east – with Brazil and Uruguay. The southeastern border of Argentina is delineated by the Atlantic Ocean, and its border with Chile in the West and Southwest is determined by the Andes. Z zones: mountainous west, and extensive north and east, mainly of flat character, stepped plateaus of Patagonia in the south. The western border runs completely through the Andes. The Patagonian Andes do not exceed 3600 m. In the north, the border with Bolivia and part of the border with Chile passes through the main Andes ridge. Continue reading


Ireland, Republic of Ireland – a state in Western Europe that occupies most of the island of Ireland. From the south, west and north, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the east it is separated from about. Great Britain by the St George’s Strait, the Irish Sea and the North Strait. This country has a land border only with Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK. The island of Ireland is washed on all sides by the Atlantic Ocean (the Celtic Sea in the south, the St. George Canal in the southeast and the Irish Sea in the east). The total area of ​​this country is 70,273 square meters. km The highest peak of Ireland is Mount Carantville, whose height reaches 1041 m .. The name of the country comes from Earl. Éire. A diverse landscape – sandy beaches, steep mountains, dense forests, deep lakes and everywhere the distance from the sea to be no more than 110 km .. Continue reading

Madeira – an island in the waters of the Atlantic

Madeira is an island in the archipelago of the same name, in the northern Atlantic, about 1000 km from Portugal, 400 km north of the Canary Islands. This is an island with its interesting history, traditions that have been observed for more than one century, internal structure and indescribable beauty of nature. The island has a diverse climate. Here you have the opportunity to take a walk in the subtropics for one day, wander around picking mushrooms along the pine forest, climb the mountains and find yourself in the tundra, swim in the crystal clear mountain lake and spend time on the ocean.

Madeira is a favorite vacation spot of Europeans. For centuries, island residents have been hosting tourists. Tourism is Madeira’s main income. The infrastructure here is not developed at the modern level. Continue reading

Sentosa Island
Singapore is a country where everything is taken very seriously. Even, to such a seemingly frivolous thing as relaxation and entertainment. There is a place for everything. One thing for…


Differences between tour operators and travel agents
Many have a misconception about tour operators and travel agents. But tour operators and travel agencies differ from each other and play completely different roles in the tourism business. Compared…


State in East Africa. It is a former colony of Great Britain, gained independence on December 12, 1963. Included in the Commonwealth of Nations. Today, the country is one of…
