The top ten failures in my travels
Given community rules, all obscene words have been replaced. Instead of the word “failure”, one should take another, designed to give juiciness to the story. During my passionate 11-year-old active…

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One of the most interesting, mysterious and at the same time the tiniest places on earth is the Vatican city-state. A dwarf enclave within Rome, associated with Italy. The status…

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Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and the nearby islands of Estados. The length of…

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The official name is the United Mexican States — a state in southern North America bordering the United States in the north, Belize and Guatemala in the southeast, washed in the west by the waters of the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean, and in the east by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Mexico covers almost the entire territory of Central America. It consists of 31 states and the capital of Mexico City, which is a federal district.

The climate of Mexico is influenced by coastal waters and extreme elevations. The average air temperature in the lowland resorts is + 26 ° С, water temperature + 22 ° С. As in most other tropical countries, Mexico has two main seasons: the rainy season (June to October) and the dry season (November to May). Continue reading


One of the most interesting, mysterious and at the same time the tiniest places on earth is the Vatican city-state.

A dwarf enclave within Rome, associated with Italy. The status of the Vatican in international law is an auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the residence of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Like Rome, the Vatican is geographically located in the Lazio region, it is the west of the central part of the Apennine Peninsula. It is 20 km from the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, several hundred meters from the right bank of the Tiber.

The capital of the Vatican is the Vatican itself. Everything is arranged here, on the one hand it is incredibly simple and on the other hand, everything is very complicated. The resident population of the Vatican is predominantly male, although two orders of nuns reside in the Vatican. The minority is the senior Catholic clergy; the remainder are members of religious orders. Many workers and staff at the Vatican Embassy live outside its walls. One hundred percent of the population of this small country are Catholics. Continue reading


Ireland, Republic of Ireland – a state in Western Europe that occupies most of the island of Ireland. From the south, west and north, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the east it is separated from about. Great Britain by the St George’s Strait, the Irish Sea and the North Strait. This country has a land border only with Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK. The island of Ireland is washed on all sides by the Atlantic Ocean (the Celtic Sea in the south, the St. George Canal in the southeast and the Irish Sea in the east). The total area of ​​this country is 70,273 square meters. km The highest peak of Ireland is Mount Carantville, whose height reaches 1041 m .. The name of the country comes from Earl. Éire. A diverse landscape – sandy beaches, steep mountains, dense forests, deep lakes and everywhere the distance from the sea to be no more than 110 km .. Continue reading

Sentosa Island
Singapore is a country where everything is taken very seriously. Even, to such a seemingly frivolous thing as relaxation and entertainment. There is a place for everything. One thing for…


Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and the nearby islands of Estados. The length of…


Holidays in the Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands - an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, 972 km west of Ecuador, consisting of 19 large and small islands. A large number of tourists the archipelago attracts with…
